

In Situ

By A.T. Robinson

It was there all along: // a knot beneath the skin, // a stranger's tongue in darkness


Hypnotizing Chickens

By Michael Boissevain

One Saturday afternoon in the shoulder // season between calving and haying


let us cast lots, and can't we have a lesbian love story where no one dies?

By Caleb Wolfson-Seeley

I hate rich people, // my son says, spat // from the belly of the bus // that each day returns him // to dry land



By Arjun Khade

In her woman's world, a virtual wombniverse; her vultcherish watchers wild in their flickering half-dreams of fleshy lust and crimson joy.


brine, this is a Bauhaus love affair, and there are foxes now

By Lucinda Trew

snow is coming // so are trucks carrying // glacial tons of salt to season // winter and cure streets // with brine


Becoming a Believer and NFPA 70E

By Avery H. Thompson

The locals, believers of gods, drink tsipouro long into the night // And brag to me about how lucky they were to be born here


Her Last Garden

By Joseph Hunter

My uncle told me turn the soil over // after that we'll lay a sheet over it // everything under it will die, and // we can start again.


Immersion and The Anatomy of Average

By Barun Saha

Those are stygian times when blood & clay plastered on bones melt into lumps // The floor tiles slide across, the many mouths of abyss await



By Meggie Royer

Before we knew, we heard— // the horses shot in the pasture, // clamor receding along the fence line like snow.


Pilliwinks and The Boot and My Head is a Cat B Jug

By Joseph Long

Ain’t that done yet? Ain’t that done? Three words which, // if spoken too soon, sears itself upon // my balloon.


Liquid Courage and trying magnesium for anxiety

By Jia Yan Tan

but if that doesn’t work then call your mother


Elegy for Overachieving

By Charlotte Maiorana

And yet nothing is as satisfying // as scratching the pen back // and forth over having it all // done and evidenced.